Thursday, February 17, 2011

Dog Psychology 101

We might have figured out why Chimmie is more jacked-up than usual after our walks. When he was a baby, he would not walk on a leash. He would not come off the front step. He would not set foot into the yard. The sounds, wind, outside air, trees, cars, etc. all scared him to death. Now, he will actually walk, but he is tense and frightened every step of the way. Most of the time he sticks next to Linda's leg and stops when she stops. Only occasionally will he venture out front and smell things with me. If Linda starts to jog, he stops and hunkers down to the ground. He's only actually gone #2 once or twice and he hardly never pees. I'm the one that has to keep marking our way in case we get lost. It was close to 60 degrees this morning, so we went extra long. The minute she took him out of his harness and let us in the back yard, he ran like the wind. It was a blur of black and tan as he sprinted around the yard at break-neck speed. I think he has so much pent up adrenaline from being afraid, that he has to run it out when he gets home. If he can't run it off in the backyard, he races around the house like a wild dog. Is this weird or what? We might have to write the Dog Whisperer and ask what to do.