I have been super clingy to Linda the past two days. I have to be pressed right up next to her every second she is home. When she took a bath, I laid on the floor up against the tub on the clothes she took off. When she is on the laptop, I'm sleeping between her arm and body with my head in her armpit. I actually cried when she got back from church tonight because I was so relieved she was home. I didn't even enjoy my walk with Jerry because I missed her so much. Right this second, I'm licking her arm and giving her kisses. Linda said it started when Noah left on Friday. Maybe I think she is going to replace me with a baby! I really did not get any loving at all the entire time he was here. She said not to cry and that she'll love me to the end of time. I feel better already.
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Big Girls Don't Cry
I have been super clingy to Linda the past two days. I have to be pressed right up next to her every second she is home. When she took a bath, I laid on the floor up against the tub on the clothes she took off. When she is on the laptop, I'm sleeping between her arm and body with my head in her armpit. I actually cried when she got back from church tonight because I was so relieved she was home. I didn't even enjoy my walk with Jerry because I missed her so much. Right this second, I'm licking her arm and giving her kisses. Linda said it started when Noah left on Friday. Maybe I think she is going to replace me with a baby! I really did not get any loving at all the entire time he was here. She said not to cry and that she'll love me to the end of time. I feel better already.