Will you be my Valentine? I am very lucky to have so many people in my life that love me unconditionally, but I always have room for one more! Of course, Linda is my number one Valentine, she'll never be replaced in my heart. I'm just glad that one of the very first Valentine traditions is no longer practiced. No one knows the exact origins of Valentine's Day, but some think it all started in ancient Rome. From Feb. 13-15, they celebrated the feast of Lupercalia. The entire tradition is not suitable to write on my family friendly blog, but the feast starts with the men killing a dog, then skinning its hide. Let's stick with flowers (like Linda's beautiful dozen red roses!) Hearts (like Linda's beautiful necklace!) An of course, chocolates (um, we don't have any of those yet..hint..hint.)
P.S. She got some candy today from one of the people in her Body Pump class, but it wasn't chocolate.