What an amazing afternoon. We took a long neighborhood walk. There was so much rain the last few days that we knew the trail would be soaked. Parts of it are muddy even when it has been somewhat dry. Plus, it's a challenge for Linda to carry us both over the stream stepping stones when the water is low. It would be treacherous for us all if she lost her footing and fell in. (That happened once, but it was before I was around. She got soaked, but did not get hurt. She said walking the 3 miles home in wet shoes and clothes was not fun.) We found out another thing Chimmie is petrified of: bicycles. He hunkered down so far that he almost came out of his new harness. I showed him there was nothing to be afraid of, but Linda had to pick him up and scoot him forward to get him moving again. Then a giant dog was barking loud and running along his fence line. I boldly went right up to the fence and touched noses with him. Chimmie peed in fear! I thought Chihuahua's were supposed to be brave dogs? That just goes to prove he must be just a mutt. He better get used to bikes because this spring Linda is getting a basket like this to take us for rides.