Linda's friend Tom came over this afternoon to take a dresser that Linda has had for almost 30 years. It was her dresser for awhile, then it was Tierney's dresser from the time she was a baby until she moved out. Since we are trying to downsize all our extra furniture, she gladly gave it to him since he is moving into a new apartment. She tried to give him more things since she still has 4 more dressers, 2 night stands, two big tables, lots of odds and ends furniture but he did not have room for it all. The next yard sale we do is going to be a gigantic. Last year Tierney wrote such an amazing ad for Craigs list that other people copied and pasted it word for word to use as their yard sale ad! Then she did a rebuttal about the sale being so amazing that people were actually copying us! Eventually, Linda wants to get a 5 bedroom furnished house with three baths; 2 family rooms, and one jam-packed garage into just enough stuff to fit a small townhouse. I don't mind if she downsizes Chip cat, but I hope she keeps Chimmie and I! (Linda has had this photo up for 23 years and never noticed that Tierney was holding Winnie the Pooh backwards until today. Ha!!)