I remember this past spring when Linda took this picture. The weather was beautiful and Linda made me stop during our walk and take pictures in front of all different flowers. There are not any flowers out right now, but the weather did obey me when I said NO to SNOW yesterday. I woke up to just an inch, if even that. I can still see green grass in our backyard. It's super sunny already this morning, so this should all melt. Schools are delayed, so maybe other parts of our county got more snow. Linda hopes the roads are not icy because she is going to teach at noon today. I'm staying inside where my paws stay dry and it's warm. Chimmie is going to continue with his outside training. He hates to get his paws wet too, but too bad. He'll have to go under the deck where it's almost snow free.
P.S. Update: turns out that Chimmie does not mind the snow one bit. He has been tearing up the backyard. It's almost as if the snow is making him run faster and harder. He's been out twice already, and wants to go out again. Crazy dog.