It's going to be a long, lonely afternoon/evening. Linda has a 12:00 class, 1:30 meeting at work, 4:30 class and then she is working the snack bar at the basketball game at 6:45 tonight. There won't be any time to come home between all her running to and fro. The big question: Does she leave Chimmie locked in the bathroom that whole time or does he get the run of the house with me? Will I starve (I know he will!) for the 8 1/2 hours she is gone? Maybe it's time she looks into a dog walking service for these extra long days. Tomorrow is long too, but Jerry is supposed to come for a visit in the late morning. If he does not make it, we will be alone again for another 8 hours. I don't know how dogs handle it when their owners work full time jobs. Chim was supposed to be my "company" while she was gone, but it just hasn't quite worked out that way. I guess I'm just spoiled. I so miss Snickers. He was my protector, Daddy and best friend ever.
UPDATE: Linda got to her meeting 15 minutes early and it only lasted 30 minutes. She got home a little after 2:00, so we can spend some time together before she heads back out. (And get our lunch too!)