I'm super sleepy this morning. A giant lightning bolt hit the tree in our neighbors backyard during the night. The thunder was the loudest and lightening brightest that Linda has ever heard in her whole life. It scared me and kept me up for awhile worrying. Linda had strange dreams of Masai warriors taking over the US using chopsticks as weapons. We were safe because the leader gave Linda a Get Out of Jail Free Monopoly card to show anyone trying to attack us. After a night where we both tossed and turned, I had to get up at 6:30 to go to the bathroom. Usually, I like to go to my bed when I have to go to the bathroom before our alarms go off. This morning, I cried to be in the big bed. Miraculously, Chimmie did not start demanding to come out of his den when he heard us moving, so Linda was kind enough to set the alarm back 15 minutes so I could snuggle awhile longer. He started up about 15 minutes later which was perfect timing since Linda has to get up anyway. It looks like these Masai warriors are waiting for action. (Linda said her dream was from a combination of Tierney actually going to Africa in a few weeks, watching Prison Break on Netflicks and eating Thai food the other day with chopsticks. Just very weird how they all made perfect sense in her dream.)