What in the world made Linda think today would be a good day to walk? Not one walk, but two walks! And one of them was on the wooded trail! It was so windy that she actually thought the trail would be more protected from the gale force winds. She was right, up to a point. When we got to the fields or their was breaks in the trees, then we got slammed. You should have seen her trying to carry both Chimmie and I across the rushing water, trying to step on the stones and not fall in while battling the hurricane. (OK, I exaggerate a bit. I've never been in a hurricane, but I think the wind were the strongest I ever felt in my life.) We made it home safe and sound. She went to visit a friend for awhile and when she got back home, out we went again! This time we stayed in the neighborhood because it was getting dark and you DON'T want to be on our trail in the dark. There are lots of scary foxes, owls and deer that could attack us.