The weather is calm and quite. Just how I like my mornings. Ever since Chimmie has had to start sleeping in his own bed at night, both Linda and I have slept so much better. He goes to bed without a peep when Linda shuts the bathroom door and turns the light out. Between 6:30 and 7:00 a.m., he starts his little whines. Even on the days we could sleep in, Linda does not really mind getting up earlier. I, on the other paw, hate getting up in the morning. As soon as her iphone alarm goes off and makes the little cricket sounds, I burrow under the covers as far as possible so she can't find me. Usually, she lets me stay under there while she takes care of Chimmie's bathroom needs, makes her coffee, and cooks up our breakfast. When Chim goes back in his room to eat, she takes me out of bed and lets me have my potty break and eating time alone. I stress out with his incredible morning energy level. I'm so slow moving first thing, I like things peaceful and quite. p.s. I know this photo has nothing to do with the post, but Tierney was a model for a friend of hers who has an etsy store. The girl is making us little doggie sweaters. When they are done, I'll post a photo of us wearing them and the link to her site.