I have to give credit when credit is due. I always whine and complain about Chimmie doing this, and Chimmie doing that. Yip, Yip, Yip... grumbling he's taking my toys, eating my food and sleeping in my bed. Maybe starting today, Chimmie might be turning into a good dog. He is growing so big that he might be "Snickers" reincarnated. It's been over a week since he's had an accident in the house. He is sleeping longer hours at night. If Linda puts my food down while he is out, he won't touch it. He runs back to his den and waits to be fed in his own bowl. He hasn't been playing too rough with me. He is doing so much better on walks. There has been no carpet chewing. Today, he napped while Linda watched Prison Break. (With Chim, there is usually no napping when Linda is home. It's all "play with me right now".) Snickers and Chim even look so much alike!