We have been watching the TV show Prison Break on Netflix. It's very good, although at times things are so impossible that it is funny when it's supposed to be serious. There is another show on TV where prison inmates take bad dogs who are on death row and turn them into wonderful family pets. I love this on so many levels. For the inmates and for the dogs. Both grow and become useful and productive members of society. Recently, a Missouri prison trained a deaf Wiener dog in sign language. The super smart dog named Sparky has graduated from prison and is now living with kids at a school for deaf students. The kids have taught Sparky even more signs! Another deaf dog, a Boston Terrier named Petie is also being trained by the inmates to join Sparky. Chimmie and I know some of Linda's special sign language too. We know heal, wait, down, roll over, and come. I'm much better then Chimmie, but I've also been doing it longer. I also can do "Bang your dead", but I guess that is probably not an appropriate sign for the inmates to teach the dogs. I bet if all the guys on Prison Break had pet dogs to take care off, none of them would have busted out. The one prisoner, the DB Cooper guy, did not want to leave as long as he had his kitty. When the bad guard killed it dead, he decided to go too.