Chimmie matches Linda's bedroom furniture perfectly. It has dark brown wood, black granite tops and a black leather headboard. Chimmie blends right in with his black and brown coloring. You may wonder why I even chose to mention it. Well, apparently some people who adopt dogs care if they match the decorating. A women visited a shelter for 7 days getting to know a Jack Russel named Harvey. She loved Harvey and decided she could not live without him. The day he came to his forever home, the women called the shelter and said that Harvey clashed with her new curtains. The astonished worker said to just put him in another room. The women called back 2 days later and said she just could not stand it anymore and the color clashing was making her crazy. "The curtains cost a lot of money and I don't want to get rid of them." Her answer was bringing poor Harvey back to the shelter. In the last month alone, the shelter has gone from accepting 30 dogs a month to around 85. Lady, I feel like sending Chimmie to your house so he can chew those stupid curtains to bits! (This is Harvey. Linda said if the shelter wasn't so far away we would adopt him.)