Remember yesterdays story about the 4 giant bags of dog food Linda bought home? I'm still not liking it, but Chimmie is gobbling it up and asking for seconds. There is one GIANT problem though. The Smell, and not from the actual food either!! We had been eating this special Royal Canine Chihuahua food. It says on the bag that it reduces odor from our "outings" (you know, those presents we leave Linda to clean up on our walks.) She never believed this because before I even had that food, I never left anything that smelled even a little offensive (This is fact, I'm not just saying this because I am a sweet little puppy.) She thought all little dogs left droppings that did not smell. OH NO.... THIS IS NOT TRUE! After 2 full days of eating the new food, Chimmie's leaving the worst, and I mean absolute worst smelling poops. Thank goodness that he is using the pee-pee pad when he has an emergency. Last night, Linda was in the hallway bathroom with the door shut getting ready for bed. Chimmie was in the bedroom bathroom with the door shut. She smelled it from down the hallway, through the bedroom and two closed doors away!! I think she'll be donating the food to a needy dog.