Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Pass the tissues

We've been getting so many Penelope pictures lately from Sarah and it's making Linda happy!  It's such a treat to open her email or check her text messages and see that "you've got mail!" with photos of her sweet little munchkin.  Yesterday the family visited a lake, went antiquing and stopped at a dairy farm for handmade ice cream.

"Whoa Mommy, this water is COLD!"
"This is so much better than the plastic pool in the driveway."
Penny, where are your cowgirl boots?
This is one of Linda's favorite photos of Sarah and Penny.  It made her tear-up with joy.

Linda has been crying a lot lately.  Not in a bad depressed way, just in an emotional "isn't that amazing?" way. There are two big weddings coming up.  She'll need to bring a real old-fashioned handkerchief to the ceremonies because paper tissues just won't be able to handle the sop-up.