Saturday, October 31, 2009

Lick or Trick?

With all the yard sale shenanigans, I did not have to dress up like a monkey, princess or mermaid this year. Linda was just too busy to buy me a costume. We did just get back from a twilight walk and all the little kids were out Trick-r-Treating. It kind of freaked me out because some of them had weird masks. Linda said we don't do the whole "Happy Halloween" stuff, but I did find some really good Zombie jokes:

Do zombies eat popcorn with their fingers?
No, they eat the fingers separately.

What do you do when 20 zombies surround your house?
Wish them happy Halloween and give them candy.

Why didn’t the zombie proceed with his lawsuit?
He didn’t have a leg to stand on!

Why won’t a zombie eat a clown?
Because they taste funny.

Ha-Ha-Ha, because they taste funny! That one is my favorite.