Tuesday, September 2, 2008

This Little Piggy Went To The Shower

Switzerland is on the forefront in animal rights protection. Some strict new rules went into effect on Monday making the world a safer place for goldfish, pigs and puppies. I never understood why someone would flush a live goldfish down the toilet, now in Switzerland you will be fined. Linda flushed Pongo & Purdy down the toilet when they died but eww... flushing a live fish is just torture. Also, fisherman are not allowed to use live bait and can't catch-and-release fish anymore. In the dog world, owners of new puppies must now take a class on care & training. Lastly, I'm not sure I understand the new law protecting pigs. Pigs are now allowed to shower if rolling in the mud isn't enough. Is there now public showers for pigs in Switzerland? How do they turn on the water without thumbs? Can the even reach the soap dish?