Saturday, September 20, 2008

Count Choopula

Vampires beware! Linda ate enough garlic tonight to keep us safe for eons. Garlic's use as a charm against evil dates back to Ancient times, even before Linda was born. Back in the day, the Egyptians believed in a Vampire-like ghost that killed sleeping children by sucking up their breath. They used garlic wreaths over the wee-ones beds as protection from the ghouls. Even in places like China, garlic is smashed on the foreheads of children to protect the kids from vampires. In the West Indies, garlic is used to protect against the spells of Sorcerers. In Romania, the garlic is spread on windows, doors and gates... even on the cattle to protect against vampires. Sailors carry garlic on board ship to protect against wrecks. Roman soldiers ate it to give them courage. In your new home, garlic can be hung over your front door to repel envious people. You might not know that garlic removes negative vibrations which can contaminate your food. Doctor's tell us that eating garlic is very good for you. ( I hear it tastes pretty good sprinkled on french fries, but I don't know firsthand since a certain person did not bring me home any leftovers!) Last, but by now mean least... eating garlic puts you in the mood, and not to go grocery shopping either... if you know what I mean. It probably is a good thing that Linda didn't save me any garlic fries since I am frisky enough already.