Monday, September 8, 2008

It's a Bird, It's a Plan, It's a Fish?

Seth Russell remembers little from what happened on his tubing trip on Lake Chicot in Arkansas. One minute he's skimming along the water in his inner tube trailing behind a fast boat. The next minute, he's knocked out cold and covered with fish blood and guts. It seems there are flying Silver Asian carps who leap out of the water. The fish flew up and struck the boy smack dab in the face. Poor Seth has had to have oral surgery to wire his teeth together and still has back pain from the high-speed collision. He'll have a whopper of a fish tale to tell the kids at school. Just like other fish stories, I'm sure by the time he tells it a few times the fish will turn into a Great White shark and that his head had to be sewn back on. I'll never have to worry about a flying fish hitting me, but I do have to dodge flying cats when Chip leaps off the chair and chases me.