Friday, January 18, 2013

Funsize and Giantsize

No snow yesterday, but it's really cold.  So cold that Chimi was shivering during our walk.  Linda went to the bowling alley earlier to meet some friends.  The alley is probably 200 yards from our neighborhood, so she planned on walking.  The second she went outside, she only walked as far as our driveway and got in the car.  Being at the bowling alley bought back so many memories of good ole' Snickers dog.  Linda used to always walk him to McDonald's for a treat and they would stop half-way at the bowling alley for him to get a drink of cool water and to rest on the side stairway.
It's weird how much Snickers and Chimi's coloring look alike. They both have the little peanuts over their eyes, black stripe down their snouts and the same floppy ears...the exact same colors as a Snickers bar.  Chimi just looks like a mini-Snickers. The big difference- about 60 pounds and a whole bunch of bravery.  Both of them love(d) to cuddle Linda and get lots of rubs, but Snickers would bite your hand off if you threatened Linda instead of licking it to death.

"I've got a lot of growing to do if I'm going to get as big as Snickers"