Monday, January 14, 2013

31 Kids

Yesterday's weather wasn't nearly as nice as predicted.  It was overcast and drizzly, not the 70 degree sunshine that we were expecting.  Linda was invited to a friends for lunch after church.  (He made four kinds of fish... including shark.  She wasn't brave enough to eat it.)
super cute drawings... 

 Poor Linda is frazzled and exhausted after her TKD classes this afternoon.  Thirty-one kids age 4-12 can make anyone feel tired or... she might be getting sick.  She was hoping to take a quick shower and head up to the basketball games at church, but that's not happening.  She has been sneezing all day and now has a sinus headache, so it might be a cold and not just the 31 kids.  (Kind of like the old Baskin Robbins 31 flavors.  The BR by our house might have 12 flavors now, but they do have lots of donuts!)