Saturday, August 15, 2009

Why are elephants large, gray and wrinkled?

Answer: Because if they were small, white and smooth they would be aspirins. Linda used to read a book to the kids called Babar. It is about an elephant whose mommy gets shot. He flees the jungle and goes to the big city. An old lady adopted him, bought him clothes and took him to school. When the Elephant king dies, his cousins come and find him in the big city to take him back to the jungle... happy ending. An elephant in Thailand named Motola also has a happy ending to her painful life. Ten years ago, she stepped on a land-mine and it blew her leg off. Finally, after years and years, Motola was fitted with a plastic prosthetic leg. She even made the Guinness Book of World Records because it took enough anesthetic to knock out 70 people! Here she is with her make-shift leg. I hope she enjoys her new, more permanent leg.
