Saturday, August 22, 2009

Money will buy you a fine dog, but only love will make him wag his tail.

Good news on the broken dryer bru-ha-ha. Linda's friend came over to look at it. He's a jack-of-all-trades kind of guy who can do all sorts of repairs. Of course he spent the first 15 minutes crawling around the floor playing with me. How can anyone resist how cute I am? Then he pulled the dryer out and took off the back. There was so much money hidden behind the dryer. We collected enough to go out for ice cream later. There is this tool that you stick in to see if the electrical part is working in the heating element. It was broken, so now we know what the problem is. Linda is going to order one Monday and he'll come back and put the new one in. Yeah! We just saved about $350. The exact amount to buy a doggy pal for me on Sunday at "Friends of Homeless Animals" adoption day.