Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Big Brave Crook.... NOT

Linda lost her change purse on Saturday. She went to a grocery store and then Dunkin Donuts to buy treats for a party she was going to. The next day she went to pay for her coffee and her purse was missing! There was only $40 in it, but still... that is a lot of money for her to lose. Fortunately, it had fallen out of her purse at the party and her friend returned the next night. A poor little 3-year old girl won't be getting her change purse back. She was waiting in line with her aunt to pay for something when a 23 year old man grabbed the purse from the little girl and took off running. Jeeze... how low can you get? Stealing a purse from a toddler? Linda would have chased the guy down and decked him just on principle for stealing from a 3-year old. The kid was so sad that she lost her $2 dollars. Cops caught the suspect and matched him to surveillance film at the scene of the crime. He had already ditched the purse. Jerk.