Monday, June 15, 2009

Snack-Size Heros

This morning right after I woke up, Chip swatted at me and caught me behind the ear with her claw. I had just jumped off Linda's bed and was tearing down the hall to take care of business. Chip was tearing down the hall the other way to tell Linda she was hungry. We basically crashed heads. It hurt for a little while, but I was more scared then injured. I will admit to be a little embarrassed after reading this story. Three toy chihuahuas cornered a full grown mountain lion in their garage. The Kitty planned to snack on the dogs, but he ended up backed into the rear of the garage while the 3 pint-sized guard dogs kept him pinned for 45 minutes. The Fish and Game Department was finally able to come and tranquilize the hissing critter. Authorities are not saying if the Big Cat was released in the wild or killed dead. I hope it was Born Free.