Thursday, June 4, 2009


No, that is not the devil's number upside down. It is the number of this post. I have written 999 posts on Life in the Dog House. It's fun for me to read back to the beginning and remember the fun and sometimes stressful times I've experienced. It's been quite an eventful 14 months. My family is not the same as it was when I started, but I am happier now then I have ever been. I have 3 special people that love me buckets-full and a few more people that love me cup-fulls. Then there is Taylor... who loves me spoon-fulls but breaks out in hives whenever he picks me up or pets me. Chip and I are better friends then ever before. We kissed noses the other day and she did her "I love you" head butt on my face. We share the sunny place in front of the deck door every afternoon. Tierney has graduated with honors from college. Taylor and Sarah bought a beautiful new house. Snickers went home to dog-heaven to be with Sheba. I'm looking forward to 999 more posts! Maybe someday I will do a book of all my blog entries and be famous. That is me on the left when I started the blog. The adorable pooch on the right is who I am today.