Saturday, June 6, 2009

Running around like a chicken with their head cut off...

So every year Linda's church takes a missions trip to Africa. They just returned this past Wednesday. Both Tierney (3 times) and Taylor have traveled to Kenya and surrounding areas to visit our African churches. Linda has been to the St. Kitt's church in the West Indies 3 times, but so far she has not gone to Africa. It's probably a good thing because.... they eat chicken heads! It is a big sacrifice for the people to kill their chickens to feed the visiting missionaries. They chop the chickens head right off while you watch and make you lunch. If you don't eat it, it would be very rude. At the end of the trip, they usually bless you with goats-head soup. Here is a photo of one of the dinner plates. "With God, all things are possible".... even eating a chicken head. P.S. Linda has been a Gluten free-Vegan for years. She actually ate a piece of cheese pizza yesterday after Tierney and the restaurant man talked her into it. It is the first time in forever that she has eaten cheese or wheat. Cheese today, Chicken Heads tomorrow!! (I don't know what is so gross about a chicken head, I would eat it in a heartbeat.)