Friday, October 19, 2012


There are 4 blogs that Linda reads every day.  They are running blogs, which is weird because Linda is not a runner.  She used to be, but since her knee replacement she had to stop.  Even though she does high-impact exercise, it does not bother her like road or trail running.  Anyway, on two of those blogs the writers got an 8 pound chocolate egg with a pair of running shoes inside.  The girls were totally surprised and had no idea what was inside the egg.  The packaging didn't give anything away.  You can read about The Hungry Runner's egg here.  She also has a really cute Spiky haired baby. 

Why can't a pet company send me a prize that cool (or any prize for that matter?)  I guess those blogs are getting 89 hits per hour (probably way more!) all day long, not just once as a fluke.  Tierney also gets amazing swag on her blog The Preppyleopard.  She has started an Etsy store like I recommended to sell her adorable crafts. 

If I could get free prizes, it would be something like:
A fur Ferrari 
My own doggie Bob type stroller
Even a gift box full of treats and toys would be awesome!