Monday, October 29, 2012

Still Have Power

Linda just got a call from a church friend checking up on her.  We are so blessed and thankful to have people watching out for us.  She was telling him how soaked she got from the multiple times she tried to get Chim to take care of business in the yard.  I went right away and was allowed to come back into the house.  Earlier, she had to corral him in the upper yard for a full 2 minutes in driving rain to try and get him to go.  He just kept panicking... more dramatic than she's ever seen him.  Linda's friend suggested she put him in the garage to go.  She can line the floor with newspaper and pee pads.  This way both of them will be dry and safe from the wind.  I hope he goes or else he's stuck in his bathroom with the door shut and the floor lined with pads.  There is NO WAY she is letting him pee on the carpet or new hardwood. 

Don't be jealous when you look at what Linda is cooking.  She made pasta and lil' shrimps with fresh spinach, some frozen veggies, hot pepper flakes and Trader Joe's chili basil sauce.  It's making me bark at the stove, but it's too seasoned for my stomach.
Not her usual toast or cereal dinner.  She loves having time to cook and eat real food
Yay! Chim just cried to go back outside (10 minutes after Linda changed into dry clothes for the 5th time.)  She still had to carry him to the upper yard, but he peed right away. Now he's so happy and excited to be sucking his woobie on the pillow.  Linda is not as happy. There are wet sweatshirts and jeans hanging in the bathrooms drying out from all the times shes tried to get him to go.  The lower yard is soggy wet and starting to pool water, but so far our house is dry inside.  Supposedly our windows are rated to withstand winds 120 miles per hour, but "they" are recommending you sleep in an interior room on a lower level.  For us, that's the downstairs hallway or laundry room.   The news is saying people in our county are starting to loose power now.  Let's keep our paws crossed we don't lose it.

Whats the deal with his weird demon eye.