Monday, October 29, 2012

And So It Begins....

The rain is coming down, but no wind to speak of yet.  The gym she teaches at Monday morning didn't have all their ducks in a row.  No one told the front desk staff that classes were ON, so all the people who called were told they were canceled.  The workers even told the instructors who called that classes were canceled.  Linda got there 1/2 hour early and they were surprised to see her.  She stuck around and ended up teaching a few songs of Combat when a woman came 25 minutes late and then 3 people were working out on the floor and came in for Pump when they saw her roaming around.  Her immediate boss emailed her that yes, she should teach and ooops, sorry.
The raincoat would do no good. Chim would be petrified of it!

The big problem so far today is getting Chim off the deck.  I used the pee-pee pads like I was trained, but he is just holding it.  Linda even walked him down the steps with an umbrella, and he just stood there with his tail tucked between his legs shaking and crying.  Sooner or later he'll have to go.  She is keeping him at her side at all times so he does not go on the carpet or hardwood.  Every 15 minutes she's putting him in the bathroom with the pads. 

We had our chicken/rice breakfast and now Linda is going to make a hot meal in case the power goes out.  Poor Tier had to go to work today, but Taylor is working from home.  Linda's classes are canceled this afternoon, so she is going to be cozy at home.  She's prayed over all the rooms to keep them dry and windows from breaking in the predicted 50 mile per hour winds.  UPDATE: The weather lady on TV just said up to 80 mile per hour winds.  YIKES