Monday, October 1, 2012

It's Still All Good

The teachings at Linda's church lately have focused on being thankful and content no matter what your circumstances.  When all is going great and you are bubbly happy (like she was this weekend) it's super easy to feel thankful.  When a Monday starts out like Linda's did today, she still has to remember that God is good, no matter what trial or stress you are under.

First, she slept in later than normal.  The insomnia hit her hard last night, so she reset the alarm during her tossing and turning for 7 a.m. instead of 6 a.m.  Chim had quite an accident on the bathroom floor during the night (I'll spare you the details) and Linda actually got sick while she was cleaning it up.  (This never happens.  Linda can clean up after any sickness or change any babies diaper without even a little gag.)  Next, she drove to the wrong gym to teach her classes!  In all her 30 years of teaching, she has never been late once for a class.  It's a good thing she leaves 45 minutes early for a 10 minute drive because it gave her time (barely) to drive to Fitness First instead of Gold's.  When she got home, she found that Chim was super sick!  He was vomiting, had diarrhea and was staggering around disoriented.   She grabbed him and raced to the vet.
He had to wear a muzzle because he goes ballistic when the Vet comes near him.

 Those exact same symptoms are what led to Sheba's last day on earth.  The Vet worked her magic, hooked him up to an IV, gave him shots and medicine to take at home.  In 24 hours if he is not better, he has to get X-rays and blood work.  He can't eat all day either. Tonight he can have plain white rice and boiled chicken.  Poor guy.

Linda's assistant can't make it to TKD today which means she'll have twenty 4-12 year old kids by herself.  It's going to take all her Ninja skills to keep them obeying and in control.   Tonight when she gets home she is going to take a long bath, eat a healthy dinner and then go right to bed.  Hopefully the drama is done for the day.