Thursday, October 11, 2012

Resting Has It's Perks

I REALLY need a hair cut
We had such a nice visit from Sarah and Penelope today.  Penny doesn't love me the way Noah did, but she just needs a little more time to get used to me.  Linda set a quilt and pillow on the floor so Penny could play while they ate.  Penny didn't know that blankets and pillows on the floor belong to me.  I barked and made her cry so Sarah would pick her up.  I took over the pillow the second Penny wasn't using it.   After they ate, Sarah put Penelope in the Bob stroller to take a walk.  I refused to get my leash on, so Linda left me home.  Chim did amazing with the big fat stroller tires.  He walked right along side without being scared.  Penny loved the walk, especially going through the streams.
"Does this vest make me look fat?"
It was the first exercise Linda had in 3 days and she was really tired when she got home.  The second she laid down she fell asleep until she heard the lawn mower in our back yard.  Thanks to Dennis cutting the grass (with Tom holding the bags), our yard looks beautiful.  A little while after that, Crishana came with dinner for Linda.  She could get used to these "rest" days.  Tomorrow she is going to teach her classes.  Hopefully she will have enough energy & strength.  It's been great having her home, but she does need to work to keep food in our bowls.