Thursday, October 25, 2012

Don't Judge a Cat By Its Cover

"I WILL eat you"
It's been a little over two months since Chip Cat went to permanent sleep.  Linda still misses her, but it's not as raw or painful.  The first few weeks she got tears in her eyes when she came in the front door because Chip wasn't waiting for her.  Now, days and days go by without her remembering.  She lived with Linda a long, long time.  She outlived Licorices; Sheba; Snickers and Rocky (the Boa).  Not to mention all the fish including Pongo and Purdy (and Jerry's underwater frogs too. He about cried when they died.)  Linda can remember Taylor teaching Chip a bunch of circus tricks when he was just in 4th grade. She remembered them up until the very end.  Sure, I sometimes blogged how she was crabby... but what cat wouldn't be crabby with Chip in your face every single minute of the day.  She was a pretty kitty, and kind to Linda.  Chip ignored me, which was just fine.  Imagine if we had this cat?  It belongs to a girl that has a blog Linda sometimes reads.  Maybe it just looks grumpy and it's really a sweet, loving cat.