Thursday, March 22, 2012

Your Tattoo is Calling

Linda is shaking her head and wondering what this world is coming to.  Yes, she has a cell phone.  In fact it is the only phone we have since she canceled our land line a few years ago.  But she does not have any sound alerts for texts, messages or emails that are sent to her phone.  During the night, she turns off the ringer and only occasionally has the ringer on during the day.  Now, Nokia has filed a patent for a tattoo that will vibrate when your cellphone rings.  Seriously.  With each new text, email, call, etc. the tattoo would send "a perceivable impulse" to your skin using magnetic waves. Not only that, but you can set preferences for different feelings based on who is calling.  Anyway, you'll have to google the news to read all about it.  Would you want to get the tattoo?