Monday, March 19, 2012

Mystery Solved

Linda was surprised at my endurance during our walk this evening. The last few times we walked, I wanted to be carried after 3 houses.  Tonight I was perky and had tons of energy.  We passed 3 other dogs, but none of them were friendly.  Towards the end of the walk, a dog came charging out of the garage.  The owner caught it in time and the crisis was averted.  Our vet appointments are this Thursday morning.  Chim is getting his shots and I'm getting my hair cut/nails trimmed/ears cleaned.  Linda will take before and after photos to show the dramatic transformation.  Oh, and Linda found out she can't leave her dinner plate on the end table and go get a diet coke.  When she came back, a certain Chihuahua was helping himself to a nibble.