Friday, March 16, 2012


It's very strange, but I've been wanting to be outside the entire time Linda is home.  I usually run out, take care of business and then am barking at the sliding door to come in.  Today, I've been barking to go out!  We have "outside" chew bones that Linda does not allow on the new hardwood floors.  I've had a hankering to chew them, so it's kept me busy for the time she has been home between her classes.  The only time I wanted to come in was when it started raining.  She is leaving again in a little while to go to family night so she'll be bringing both Chim and I back inside.  The weather is looking kind of iffy and she does not want us stuck outside in a storm while she is gone.  Tomorrow, it's supposed to be nicer.  I'm not sure if we'll be getting a visit from a walker or not, we never know until the last minute.  Linda PROMISED she would take me to the groomers next week to get a haircut.
I would look cute in this tiger cut/dye, wouldn't I??  NOT!!
 Chim needs his shots too (poor guy, he is going to go ballistic!) and she needs a tune-up on her red car!  Looks like a busy week for all of us.