Friday, March 2, 2012

Day 3 of Painting

John finished the majority of the painting last night.  He worked 12 hours straight, with NO lunch break.  How can he keep working with no food?  If I take a 15 minute walk, I need a cookie the second I get home to refuel.  Linda is still amazed how Chip Cat is with John.  She acts like he is not even there.  No exaggeration, when Linda even moves anything around in her litter box room, she freaks out. If she hears doorbells or any noise not normal, she streaks downstairs to hide.  She has to have everything in the same place or she gets wonkie. Our furniture is literally thrown in a pile in the middle of the room.  There is a lot of loud noises from ladders, paint cans being hammered shut and scraping.  That crazy cat is just sleeping on by the sliding glass door like everything is kosher.  John has to step over her!  Plus, she came up to Tom yesterday to be petted!  Usually I'm pretty shy too, but I've been following John around the house while he paints.  Last night when he knelt down to get some tools, Chimmie licked him on his bald spot!  John the Painter must be some kind of natural Pet Whisperer. I even showed John where my secret hiding spot is.