Monday, March 12, 2012

Get Out the Suntan Oil

Here I am before I came home.  Linda cut that thing off my neck in the first 10 seconds. 
I really hope Linda takes me to get my hair cut this week.  I'm just a mess and my fur is starting to get tangled.  She was keeping it long for the winter to keep me warm, but tomorrow the temperature will be almost 80 degrees! I'll be sweating and panting during our walks.  Chim needs his shots, so it maybe she can take us to the vet/groomers at the same time.  The last time I went to the groomer at the vet, she shaved me down to almost my skin.  I did look cute, but it shows my chubby belly when it's that short.  Now my muffin top (bottom and sides) are hidden under my fur.  My fur was short as a newborn, but then it kept growing and growing and now it drags the floor.  I was only 1.5 pounds in this picture.  I'm so glad that Tierney talked Linda into making me part of their family.  I truly have the best dog life ever!