Friday, March 9, 2012

The House is So Peaceful

Wow, no banging.. nailing...strangers..or loud Spanish music!  It's back to the normal peaceful and quite household.  It's a good thing Noah didn't come yesterday.  There wasn't one room in the house (well, besides the kitchen) that he could have sat in.  Even the upstairs bathrooms were packed with stuff and every other room was topsy-turvy (why does spell check want to capitalize Topsy? Is it someones name?)  as the floor installers worked.  The guys took Linda's entire set of bedroom furniture out of her room. They unscrewed the bed and took it all apart, they took the slab of granite off the dresser and for some reason, even took the fitted sheet off the mattress when they put it in the other bedroom.  She just noticed that they mixed up the dressers in the pink/blue room, but it doesn't really matter.  All they do is hold up the TV's and are used for extra storage. Linda has so much cleaning and organizing to do.  All her shoes are in trash bags downstairs since the floor of the closet had to be emptied. She saved a few pairs upstairs, but that is a job that will have to be done soon.  She's not even going to think of the two bedrooms downstairs for a few weeks.  They can stay messy until she finishes the upstairs.  Here are a few more photos of the "after" before the decorating and finishing touches. 
If Chim races down the hall, he'll slam headfirst into the wall!

Linda is looking for an area rug.  They are e x p e n s i v maybe it will be awhile.