Sunday, March 18, 2012

Creased Faces

Linda came home from church and crashed out on the Big Bed.  She was going to make us stay outside, but it was cold and overcast. (Now it's beautiful outside!) Instead, the three of us napped for 1 1/2 hours!  She slept so hard that weird dreams were involved.  In her dream she checked into one of those roadside old motels, the kind where people sometimes live for months.  The owner was an old lady with a face that was lined and cracked.  No dogs were allowed in the room, so she had to hide us.  The cracked face lady said that if she found out there were pets, Linda would be sorry.  Since Linda didn't have a car, she had to ride her bike to teach her classes and all the branches and trees from the side of the road kept whipping her in the face as she rode.  It was stinging so bad (in her dream) that it woke her up because her face actually hurt (in real life)!  When she got out of bed and looked in the mirror, one of the Big Bed's decorative pillows had creased her face and left a deep mark, just like the crease faced lady!  How weird.
These dogs are so cute!