Where are you????? |
Linda did the same thing she does every morning that Chim spends the night away from home. She gets up and goes to let him outside, but then freaks out when he's not in his den. Her first thought is that she forgot him outside overnight. He won't bark to come in, so it could be easy to actually do. In the morning when she is reading her Bible or online, he is pressed up against her. She is missing him snuggling her while he sucks his woobie. I have absolutely no interest in any sort of interaction first thing in the morning. I want to be alone.
Why the floppy hump Mr. Camel? |
In just 4 hours, Noah will be coming over for a visit. Linda is so glad Gretel is sharing him today. She works a full time job, so I'm sure her weekends with him are precious to her. For some reason, Linda has this empty corner in her heart when Noah is not with her. It's almost aches when he has to go home on Thursdays. If there was only a way she could watch him full-time, she would do it in a nano-second! Today is the opening day of the petting zoo. When Tier and Taylor were little, they all had season passes. Two or three times a week, they would bring their lunch and picnic with the bison and camels. Noah is going to love it! I bet he'll moooooooo at every animal. You get to do a hay ride through the field, pick up baby chicks, ride a pony, pet little lambs and sit on a giant Tortoise. Linda will be taking 1,000 pictures... so come back this evening to see the fun!!