Sunday, March 11, 2012

A Day at the Petting Zoo

A nice older couple took their photo and Linda took theirs
Linda smells like a camel.  And a bison.  And goats, sheep and pigs.  She had such a great time with Noah at the petting zoo.  Watching him run from pen to pen bought back memories of Tier and Taylor when they were his age.  They spent many, many afternoons at the same park while they were growing up.  The place is way nicer now and has more features (of course it costs way more too!)  Every single animal was a "mooooo" to Noah.  He loved the lamas best of all. 
"Como Se Llama?" 

The ostridge was mean and very aggressive.  He kept pecking into the tractor looking for food.  He even pecked inside one ladies purse!
"Gimmie some of that!"

Noah had no fear of any of the animals so Linda had to be super alert that he did not stick his hand in their mouth.  
He kept trying to poke their eyes out just like he does to me sometimes!   
These things had horns as big as Linda's car.  
Next time they are going to take a ride in the swan boats

No floppy humps here!

Linda is super tired from carrying Noah around.  She let him walk a lot of the way, but sometimes it was too far between attractions.  They were waiting their turn to exit the parking lot when Linda turned around in her seat and this is what she saw:

"Being a farmer is hard work."