Thursday, March 15, 2012

Are You Going to Finish That?

Um... I still need to be groomed....
I'm not much of an eater (and I can't understand why I'm chubby either!.)  About 75% of the time, I don't even eat my treats.  When Linda gives me my favorite cookie (it's about the size of a penny) she breaks it into quarters and I get one small piece. Usually I turn my nose up at it or Chim swoops in and grabs it from me.  He's the same way with my food.  I'm not hungry until hours after I wake up.  If Linda puts my food down and he is anywhere near it, the bowl is licked clean.  There isn't ANY food wasting from the pets in our house.  A new study from the Natural Resource Defense Council (ever notice Linda loves reading studies) found that the  average American throws away 33 pounds of food each month -- about $40 worth!  That's each month.  If $40 is the average, that means some people are throwing away much more. If you add that up over a year, that's about 12 tanks of gas for our car!  The timing of this article is very interesting too.  Just yesterday Linda was thinking of all the food that gets wasted in the preschool where she does her TKD.  She picks the kids up right after snack.  While she is waiting for them to line up, she watches the teachers throw away plates of carrots, broccoli, and all kinds of raw veggies that the kids don't eat.  It's so wasteful.  They should not be eating cookies, but maybe a low sugar yogurt, apple sauce or cheese stick would not end up in the trash.