Saturday, April 25, 2009

What Happend to Spring?

It is SO HOT OUT. We tried to take a walk, but I could only make it 10 houses before Linda had to carry me. I'm not used to it being so hot and I get overheated easily. It's even hot inside for me since we don't have the air conditioner on. She put me out back to play in the fenced yard, but the grass is over my little head. Just my ears and tail stick out. Linda was going to mow the grass, but she is going to wait and see if her friend will mow it again like he did 2 weeks ago. Her shoulder is still very sore and we have a hill in the front and back. Plus, he has a giant mower and it goes so much faster. It would take her at least a few hours going slow and bagging the grass by herself. Yeah! That means she is keeping me company inside.