Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Tinker Bell

This is the news story of the week, heck it's the story of the year! I'm not sure why they are not interrupting the Caps/Rangers playoff game right this very minute to report this story. The Biggest Loser has nothing on this news worthy item. The story has everything: pain, fear, hope, mystery, natural disasters, and a happy ending. I won't keep you waiting any longer. This past Saturday, a Michigan couple were setting up their display at a flea market. Their 8-month old Chihuahua Tinker Bell was standing on their trailer when a 70-mph gust of wind picked up the dog and blew her away! Tinker was nowhere to be found. Frantic, they contacted a pet psychic the following Monday. The psychic led them a mile away to a wooded area. There was Tinker Bell, dirty, hungry and crying for her owners. Tink went absolutely wild when she saw her humans and jumped into their arms. You can tell she loves her humans and that they love her. Linda better get the name of that pet psychic in case I ever get lost.