Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Maybe this is a sign that the economy is looking up. A new company called Pet Airways said that they are starting an airline for pets. Weekly flights will fly between NY, DC, Chicago, Denver and LA. The average fair will be $250 for a one-way ticket, but of course smaller animals like me will pay less. (Never mind, because I would fly first-first class with all the best amenities.) We would not have to go in a cargo hold, but we would travel just like people in the cabin. All the seats in the 19-seat turbo-prop plans will be removed so we can be comfortable. Airways will have pet check-in lounges for us to wait for our flights. One big problem, no humans are allowed on the flight, it's only for pets. There is no way in # @ double & that I am flying anywhere without Linda by my side. I won't even walk off the deck into the backyard unless she sits at the bottom of the deck steps.