Thursday, April 16, 2009

Long Lost Twin

Finally, a sunny day! Tierney took me for a long walk since Linda teaches all day. I'm so tired now I can just barely stay awake. She promised to post the video of our last walk, but so far she has not uploaded it to my Facebook page. Hey Tier! Where is my video? Maybe she'll put it on YouTube too. There is a YouTube video of this 47 year old women who is now super famous. She was on this singing contest show on TV. Everyone made fun of her when she came on stage because she was kind of frumpy. As soon as she started singing, people were falling off their chairs. She has a beautiful voice. Now her whole life is changed because of 90 seconds of singing. If Tier posts my video, maybe my whole life will change too and I'll be famous. First thing I am going to buy with my new-found fame is another Chorkie puppy so I'll have someone to play with when I'm home alone. What about this little one? She's adorable... (that is because we look like twins!!)