Monday, July 15, 2013


How hot was it today?  So hot that Linda had to carry us down the deck steps because the wood was like walking on fire.  It actually burned her bare feet a little bit when she went outside to eat lunch.  (Why in the world did she eat lunch outside when it was almost 100 degrees? Because she loves sitting on the deck and she was already sweaty from Body Pump and Combat.) 
Ignore all the dirt on the radio display
 Inside the car it was 109 degrees, and that was after 5 p.m.  This isn't even the hottest day.  Tues-Friday is supposed to get even hotter.  Chimi was begging for a walk as soon as she got home from teaching, but she made him wait another few hours because he would have overheated.  There was no way Jose' that I was going to walk.  As soon as she got the leashes off the hook I ran and hid under the dresser.  

Linda really shouldn't be as tired as she is.  She taught her normal classes and just did a 30 minute walk, but she'll be in bed by 9 p.m.  When your little you want to stay up as late as possible.  When you grow up, getting to go to bed early is a treat!