Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Turtle Dundee's


Tierney's won the race to the sea
There were 3 crates of babies to set free
 We're all going to take turns sharing about our vacations, but since Linda owns the computer, she said she gets to go first.  They got to do one of most amazing things ever.  Between 11 p.m. - 1 a.m., giant sea turtles come up on the resorts private beach and lay their baby turtle eggs.  There are special turtle caretakers who wait until the Mommy turtles go back to the sea, then they carefully dig up all the eggs and keep them safe until they hatch.  Dario, the head turtle man invited Taylor, Sarah, Tierney and Linda down to the beach to help set the babies free.  They each were able to take one baby and set it gently down on the sand.  The little guys automatically know to follow the light of the moon and go into the ocean.  Since the moon wasn't too bright, the workers shined flashlights on the waves to help them along. Linda prayed that her baby turtle would be one of the few to make it alive.  Once they hit the surf, big fish eat them right up.  Out of 150 babies that crawled out of the box, Dario said only 4 might survive to adulthood.  Linda prayed over her turtle that it would make it and not be shark or gull supper.  If it survives, it could live 80 years and grow to 400 pounds!