Wednesday, September 21, 2011

No Catching Worms This Morning

Linda just did not want to get out of bed this morning.  The alarm went off at 6:30, and she hit the snooze button.  Then she reset the alarm for 7:05, 7:15 and finally, dragged herself out of bed at 7:25 when Chimmie started whining.  That's one alarm that does not have a snooze button.  When he whines, that means he has to go outside... NOW.  He holds it until it's an emergency.  She let me sleep until she was out of the shower, made coffee and breakfast for all the pets.  The new medicine she is taking for her back pain is really knocking her out at night and making her groggy in the morning.  She dislikes taking medicine and avoids it if possible because of side effects.  Hey,  if I have to take 2 medicines 4 times a day, she can swallow 1 pill at night, right?  Now our morning is all confusing because of such a late start.  Linda likes to get up 3 hours before she has to be at work (which is a 7 minute drive) so she can have quite time, let Chim exercise before he goes back in his den for 4 hours and get other stuff done around the house.  Looks like the worm gets to live one more day.